Friday, May 24, 2013

Classic kids, or 100 films that the kids in your life have to see by 13 or else!

Day 65:  Babe (1995)

Love, love this movie!  Based on the 1983 book by Dick King Smith, the film follows the story of a little pig named Babe.  Babe is not just any pig though, Babe herds sheep.  This is a moving, joyful, and wonderfully bizarre little film.  The talking-animals effects are fantastic, done by the folks that worked with the Muppets.  The film was nominated for numerous Academy Awards including Best Picture.  The final hearding sequence is adorable-enjoy!

Media Literacy questions for kids:  What is unique about the farm animals?  What are the core values of the film?  What era is the film set in, and how do you know?
Themes:  Prejudice, loss, love, independence

1 comment:

  1. Debbie Monterrey Millett That'll do, Pig.
    Yesterday at 09:58 · Like

    Ann Goth I have a huge grin from reading this post. I love this movie
    Yesterday at 10:03 via mobile · Like
