Bob Newhart scored with two hit Television Shows, The Bob Newhart Show, and the later Newhart. His deadpanned approach to the menagerie of life's absurdities, and the characters that played them out, is just....funny. Yet, the finale to his final show (Newhart) is the ultimate trump card. Here the very idea of this man, as a character within the silliness of Television sitcom history is used to play out one of the best punch-lines ever. If fact, this was a punchline 15 years in the making. Bob's character (himself/yet also his former television self) wakes up with his old TV wife, Susanne Pleshette. In the same bed (that plaid pattern, unforgettable) from the original series, and says to her that he had just had a bad dream. He then goes on to basically to describe the second show. It is odd how the clip doesn't do the actually moment justice, but believe me, if you were a fan of both Newhart shows, you were surprised and delighted with the unexpected twist.
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