#13 The Sundance Kid (1969)
This may not be the funniest scene you have ever witnessed, but for me it always triggers a humorous memory, the day my Dad and I got kicked out of a movie theatre. The movie was The Sundance Kid. I was eight, and my dad was 41. It was this scene that did it. My dad, who had been laughing pretty much the entire movie, just lost it when Redford's character says "I can't swim." I mean lost it! He could not stop laughing, which of course got me laughing, and then the rest of the audience laughing, and laughing, and laughing. Well, after a bit, the audience resumed 'normal' viewing behavior, except for my Dad. He could not stop laughing. After ten minutes or so, a movie usher (they still had them then) finally came and removed us, which actually made my Dad laugh more. Now, I am pretty sure my Dad had not done any Dane County Dynamite prior, so I am not exactly sure what triggered this particular laughing jag, but I will never forget it.
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