Hindsight: film ramblings and other good things
Guest bloggers: Jim, Colin, Troy and David and now Tyler
Tyler Adam
I might be a little slow on the uptake. Kill Bill: Vol. II "Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race." (Go to IMDB and read the whole quote, it's brilliant). On an introspective journey, and after starting "Giving an Account of Oneself" (Judith Butler), this quote stuck out as a true gem. How can I speak of myself in a way that isn't reactionary, contrived, or in-genuine? My answer? Move through life ready to hear and understand peoples' stories. Be ready to change and incorporate your understanding as it unfolds. Be DYNAMIC and watch REALLY GOOD FILMS.
Juli Hinds
Tyler, ah, a Judith Butler Reference, I shall include and will watch.
So, how about some guest-bloggers? Jot down a few words about a film that got you thinking about school in a different way, at least that Hindsight's latest theme; or how about a few sentences about a movie that got you to do something differently, see something anew? I will add in the youtube clips, whatever. So?
Jim Norsetter "Earn this" Tom Hanks to Matt Damen, in Saving Private Ryan
Colin K. Gavin The Matrix. Morpheus saying, "You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind." That, and when he says, "You have to focus, Trinity. There's a phone at Wells and Lake. You can make it." Every time a server went down in the datacenter, or some other catastrophe came around, I would take a deep breath and tell myself, "You can make it Colin. If you focus." And then I'd get to work!
Jim Norsetter "Take a vacation from my problems" What about Bob
(Was able to download the full movie)
David Dill Back to School, filmed partly at UW, gave me a chance to audition for a Hollywood movie and taught me to take risks.
Is this a building on campus? David, can we catch you in any scenes?
Troy Thiel "Ferris Buehler's Day off" Because it taught me that I was really cool (Hollywood style that is), because we were skipping school in Normal Illinois and driving up to Chicago and doing just about everything they did in a day (no Ferrari though, a 1978 Mercury Monarch) a few years before the film was made...
Troy, you still are cool! :)
Thanks Gang, Jules
Jim Norsetter "Take a vacation from my problems" What about Bob
(Was able to download the full movie)
David Dill Back to School, filmed partly at UW, gave me a chance to audition for a Hollywood movie and taught me to take risks.
Is this a building on campus? David, can we catch you in any scenes?
Troy Thiel "Ferris Buehler's Day off" Because it taught me that I was really cool (Hollywood style that is), because we were skipping school in Normal Illinois and driving up to Chicago and doing just about everything they did in a day (no Ferrari though, a 1978 Mercury Monarch) a few years before the film was made...
Troy, you still are cool! :)
Thanks Gang, Jules
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